Who We Are
The Orange County Zine Fest was started by a network of artists, writers, musicians, designers, poets and activists engaged in DIY culture and zines, specifically in the OC and surrounding cities. We came together to start our very first event in Santa Ana, CA in 2014 to connect zine makers across the county and southern California area to create connections with each other and inspire others to discover zines, chapbooks and other handmade, self-published works as an alternative form of expression. Our ongoing event is a continuation of this goal, and we love and appreciate all the help and support we've received in making it come true.
In 2017, OCZF began partnering with the Anaheim Public Library. This partnership enabled OCZF to host zinesters without charging tabling fees in an environment that supports literacy and free speech. Each year, participating zinesters are asked to donate copies of their zines to build Anaheim Public Library’s zine collection showcasing and preserving the work of local creators. This was the first circulating collection of zines in Orange County.
Our Safe Space Policy
OCZF strives to be a safe space, therefore we will not tolerate any vendors who promote hateful or harmful material that mentions or could be considered racist, sexist, ableist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic or transphobic, nor will we tolerate any such behavior at our events. OCZF highly encourages mask-wearing to protect and support our community.